Saturday, 11 March 2017

1 - 2 March, 2017: Workshop on ‘Islamization of Knowledge, Curriculum Reform and Textbook Writing’ for Madrasah Mu’allimin and Mu’allimat Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta

Workshop on ‘Islamization of Knowledge, Curriculum Reform and Textbook Writing’ for Madrasah Mu’allimin and Mu’allimat Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta was held from 1st to 2nd March, 2017 at the International Islamic University Malaysia. The workshop was organized as a part of teacher’s development program to expose the teaching staff with new skills, ideas and experience. The delegates was led by Dr. Agung Danarto as the Chairman of Board of Trustees, seven members of the Board and twenty-seven teachers and administrators.

Madrasah Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah is a cader school managed by Central Leadership of Muhammadiyah was established in 1918 by KH Ahmad Dahlan, founder of the Muhammadiyah. It was first called Qismul Arqa and located in Kampung Kauman Yogyakarta. Then the name changed to Madrasah al-Qismu al-Arqo, then to Hogere Moehammadijah School then to Kweekschool Islam and then Kweekschool Moehammadijah. Finally it was called Madrasah Mu’allimiin Muhammadijah in 1941. Currently the Madrasah has 1,216 students coming from all over Indonesia.

The first day of the workshop was a full day session on Mappicxs, an effective & efficient technique developed and presented by Tuan Haji Shaya'a Othman, Senior Academic Fellow IIIT. The technique is proven useful for learning, teaching, managing, and thinking. Hj. Shaya’a discussed in detail on the concept of Islamic educations which consists of tafkir (thinking or reasoning), tarbiyah (individual development), ta’dib (social and moral education) and ta’lim (transmission and acquisition of knowledge). The delegates were excited with the new skills they learnt and would like to organize a comprehensive training in the near future.

The second day program was on IIIT textbook project where selected book authors were invited to brief the delegates on main ideas of their books. Four authors were invited to present their books:

a.            Critical Thinking in the Qur’an by Prof. Dr. Jamal Badi
b.            Knowledge and Civilization in Islam by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kabuye O. Sulayman
c.             Introduction to Islamic Psychology by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alizi Alias, and
d.            Introduction to Islamic Sociology by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hazizan Noon

Prof. Dr. Rahmah AH Osman, Dean of Kuliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (IRKHS) welcomed the delegates to IIUM and looked forward for future cooperation with Muallimin and Muallimat Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta. Among follow-up programs being discussed include exchange of teaching staff and students, opportunity to attend full semester course at IIUM and cooperation for research and textbook writing. The workshop ended with a certificate presentation by the Dean to all delegates. IIIT East and SEA office would like to thanks all the delegates for the visit and we look forward to future visits and follow-up programs.


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