Friday, 16 December 2016

05 - 06 May, 2015: Second International Conference on Mental Health

The 2nd  International conference on mental health was organized as a joint collaborative endeavor of the Department of Psychology International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan (IIUI), the chair of Ibni Khaldun, Kulliyyah of IRKHS International Islamic University Malaysia,  International Institute of Islamic Thought USA and International Association of Muslim Psychologists. The Father of Muslim psychology professor Dr. Malik Badri has honored  as the patron in Chief, The Chairman department of psychology IIUI Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khalily as principal Organizer,and Dr. Jamil Osman Regional Director IIIT provided a very kind support.

This august event held on the 5th and 6th May 2015 at Senate Hall International Islamic University Malaysia Kuala Lumpur where the Dean and Deputy Dean Faculty of Kuliah  Revealed knowledge and Human Sciences (IIUM) participated in the inaugural session as guests of honour and Professor Malik Badri the Chief Pattern of the conference and Professor Jamil Osman Regional Director IIIT deliver their keynote speeches.  Dr Muhammad Tahir Khalily (Principal organizer) briefed the participants about the purpose and importance of this scientific endeavour particularly in the context of Islamization of psychology and in his key note speech he urged the psychologists from different countries (including; Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, America, Nigeria, India, Nepal, Sudan, University of Karachi, Women University Lahore, Preston University Islamabad and IIUI) to integrate the current modern psychotherapeutic techniques to the cultural and religious tools and practices in order to make it more effective and applicable.

Professor Malik Badri in his welcome address mentioned the importance of religious practices and values in the amelioration of mental health and appreciated the efforts of psychology Department IIUI for organizing such events. He put emphasis on the Islamization of psychology and mentioned a few examples from the history of psychology. He further asked the psychologists to explore indigenous solutions for the amelioration of mental health issues grounded in Islamic teachings.
The conference comprised of five sessions, of which the first two scientific sessions were conducted on the first day along with Inaugural session while the remaining two scientific sessions along with panel discussion session was conducted on the second day. A total of 35 oral presentations and 10 poster display took place over the two days.

Dr Seema Gul in her keynote speech highlighted the importance of psychometric in line with the cultural and religious perspectives as tools for personality assessment. Professor Rahmatullah Khan, President of International Association for Muslim Psychologists urged for the joint efforts of the Muslim scholars for the promotion of knowledge and research.

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Zain, Dean, Faculty of Kuliah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences in his inaugural speech appreciated the efforts of the organizing committee and emphasize the organization of such events in future. Professor Jamil Osman of IIIT apprised the participants about the different academic and research activities of IIIT particularly the efforts made in the writing of textbooks on Islamization of knowledge.

At the end , the panel concluded that the Islamization of knowledge in general and particularly of psychology is the need of the hour, and put stress upon the integration of religious and cultural values of modern psychotherapeutic techniques in order to meet the current challenges scientifically and effectively.  The conference Proceeding will be published with the assistance of IIIT and will be edited by reputed scholars. Dr Muhammad Tahir Khalily the principal organizer thanked the participants for their valuable contribution, Professor Malik Badri the Chief Patron and father of the Muslim Psychology and IIIT for their kind support.

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