Sunday, 30 September 2018

10 – 11 August, 2018: Lecture on ‘Islamic Epistemology in Medical Education, Developing Medical Professionalism and End of Life Care’ by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ariff Osman organized by Universitas Aisyiyah, Yogyakarta.


06 August, 2018: Workshop on ‘Al Qur’an and Creative Thinking’ by Prof. Dr. Jamal A. Badi organized by College University Islam Selangor.

01-02 August, 2018: International Conference of ICONIS 2018 on ‘Being Muslim in a Disrupted Millennial Age’ organized by the Post graduate school of IAIN Salatiga.

27 July, 2018: Workshop on ‘Islamic Worldview and the Reality’ by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Yousuf Ali organized by ISDEV-USM, Pulau Pinang.

25 July, 2018: Workshop on ‘Islamic Worldview and the Reality’ by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Yousuf Ali organized by UNISHAM, Kuala Ketil, Kedah.

22 – 28 July, 2018: IIIT Workshop and Meeting on Education Project, Turkey.

20 July, 2018: One-day Workshop on Academic Capacity Building by Prof. Dr. Rahmah AH Osman organized by Universitas Muhammadiah Yogyakarta.

18 – 19 July, 2018: Retreat on Textbook Writing organized by Kuliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM at Kalumpang Resort and Training Centre, Hulu Selangor.



13 July, 2018: Talk on ‘Challenges and Issues of Islamization in Islamic Economics’ by Prof. Dato’ Wira Dr. Jamil Osman organized by Tazkia University College, Jakarta.


12 July, 2018: Iedul Fitry Gathering and Memorium for Dr. Masyhudi Muqorrobin organized by IIIT, UMY and IIUM Alumni

12 July, 2018: Third International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion (3rd ICIEFI) on "Islamic Social Finance for Sustainable Development Goals" organized by International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF), Universitas Muhammadiah Yogyakarta.


09 July, 2018: Second International Training for the Young Islamic Economics Leaders (2nd IT-YIELds) organized by Universitas Muhammadiah Yogyakarta. Prof. Dr. Mat Rofa Ismail was invited as the resource person.